So we already have Alpha flight box set one from afx from SDCC. Well box set number 2 was from NYCC and it includes Sasquatch, Aurora (with a extra hand piece so she can hold hands with Northstar from the first set), Snowbird, and Shaman. I love the Sasquatch figure!

Then the newest TRU wave included the last two characters to round out the team includes Box and Vindicator.

The same TRU wave also had Ultimate Captain America and the new Miles Morales Spiderman.

Then a new Iron Man (which always makes me happy) and a new beefed up Rhino. I love this Rhino but will be keeping my original Rhino since it was in the first box set of minimates I ever bought.

AFX also offered Thundercats #2 set from NYCC which was a bad guys set which included Jackalman, Slythe, little Wolfrat, Monkian, and Vultureman. These Thundercats minimates are by far the best non marvel stuff they have made in a long long time!
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