It has been a slow few weeks for me toy wise which my wallet appreciates but here a mere two days after placing the order is this month's MOTU Classics figure that Breanne got me for Father's day it is Hordak Evil leader of the Evil Horde. I like the bio info on the back which sheds light on connections between characters and info about the upcoming sdcc exclusive He-Ro. The bio reads, "Second born heir to the Horde Empire, Hec-Tor Kur arrived on the planet Eternia while battling the cosmis warrior He-Ro. Taking the name Hordak he raised an army and challenged the Snake Men for rule over the planet. And although he defeated King Hssss, Grayskull, leader of the free people of Eternia succeeded in banishing him to the dimension of Despondos. It was there that centuries later Hordak contacted a young alchemist name Keldor (that's Skeletor for you not in the know) and began teaching him the ways of the dark arts in exchange for freedom from his extra-dimensional prison." This figure once again like all the others so far is an amazing looking figure that ever tempts me to open them all up!
This is something I got a while ago but forgot to post about. This is a check off from my most wanted minimate list (now down to just one!) This is the Target exclusive two pack that came with Iceman and Wolverine which are both minimates that I already have but this particular Iceman was made with a different plastic which gives him a blue tint and thus makes him highly sought after, collectible, and rare. I won a very reasonable auction on ebay so hooray!
Here is a side by side comparison with the original Iceman. I know you are thinking like my wife that there isn't much difference here but as a completist I just had to have him.
hey Pat i just saw this online. I kinda want the giantman but not shellhead very much. if you want to help me be on the lookout maybe we can get this together let me know
realized i didnt give you the link:'s%20MARVEL%20UNIVERSE%20Gigantic%20Battles%20Iron%20Man%20with%20Goliath%20(Wal-Mart%20Exclusive)
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