I think this is the longest break I have taken from posting and that is because it was an eventful summer! I went to New York and Washington DC and I found these cool Mega Man classic and X figures at Midtown Comics in NYC.

I found the newest wave of Walgreen's exclusive minimates in Washington DC. You have Bruce in a hulkbuster armor, Kamala Khan Ms Marvel, Proxima Midnight, Iron Man mk 2, Carnage Hulk, Spider Girl, and Bruce.

I didn't think I would buy these but when I saw them at TRU I had to pick up the Watchman sets here you have Dr Manhattan and Rorshach.

Silk Spectre and Ozymandias

and the Comedian and Nite Owl.

I also went on a Transformers kick and got a bunch of guys from the headmasters Titans Return line because they are like MOTU classics that they are classic characters in the new style and they look awesome even though they are as light as air and feel like they are gonna break easily. I got Perceptor, Scourge, Blur, Hot Rod, and Topspin.

I got a bunch of these little pint size heroes of Megaman and almost have the whole collection (just missing cut man and Sigma)

This was a random Mega Man guy I got in a box that looks like an arcade machine.

I got a cheap knowck off of a masterpiece Bumblebee from China. It was cheap but it is amazing. It is heavy and great quality and is so easy to transform compared to other masterpieces.

Robot form.

Barnes and Noble had a sale for educators to use their discount on pretty much anything so I got this Ban Dai Samurai Iron man. SOOOOOOO cool. I have the Boba Fett version and got another one so keep scrolling.

I also got these at the B and N sale. They are SH Figure arts. Cool poseable Mario and a bunch of enemies.

A bunch of stores have been clearancing the Mega Bloks TMNT stuff so I picked up the Party Wagon and a bunch of other guys so now I have all the classic turtles with metal shells, APril, Shredder, Rocksteady, Foot Soldiers, and Baxter Stockman. But this is not the best thing I got from this line so keep scrolling.

Also a B and N purchase this is the Mystic from Dark Crystal.

I have a soft spot for these dolls and since my girls have played with my regular Supergirl a bunch I picked up this fancy one so that they girls left it alone.

I got this cool looking xenomorph because well it looked cool.

Here you can see two more Trasnformers I got, Kup and a Sharkticon.

Then we have Braun and


This was a new Lego set from Thor Ragnarok that I got. This is a cool spaceship that I don't know what it is called but excited to see it in the upcoming movie.

Then at Walmart I snagged the new Netflix Voltron that has die cast metal parts that form the big robot but can also be....

The individual lions.

There is a new line of dolls from the new series Forces of Destiny and since I love the girls of Star Wars and the look of these dolls I had to have them. Here we have Sabine Wren.

This Leia came with this Endor outfit but

She can change into this outfit and she came with a Wicket!

Then I got Rey and BB-8

and Jyn Erso. The hair and faces on this dolls make them all worth it. They look amazing and I am not ashamed to have them in my collection.

Went back to B and N and they had this Samurai Vader on clearance for 50% off so I couldn't pass that up. THe best part of this one is that his lightsaber is shaped like a katana!

THen also on clearance I got the Mega Bloks Technodrome! This thing was a beast to put together especially since unlike Lego the bags of parts were not labeled so it was pretty much just sorting through all 2000+ pieces!

It opens up into a really fun playset.

and lastly to close out the summer we have the Alien Covenant minimates. There is the new Xenomorph, chestburster baby neomorph, Daniel, Shaw, Tennessee, Neomorph and Daniels. There are some more in an upcoming TRU wave so here we go. I am sure that there are other things I got this summer that I didn't post here but that is my life! So many toys, so little time!
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