Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mac Attack for my b-day

So my brother, Morri, went on a cruise recently with his wife Liza and some friends. While he was at St Marten he found a shop and got this incredibly awesome and unique b-day present and even though my b-day is not until next tuesday he couldn't wait to give it to me so here it is. There is a shop down there set up by artist Nick Maley who does some awesome art but most importantly he is the man that built the animatronic Yoda for Empire Strikes Back! So Morri found this shop and got me this personalized bookmark and poster. The bookmark says Nick Maley For Pat '08 on it and has a small picture of him detailing Yoda's face. The larger picture has three original Topps trading cards on it and then a smaller art card done by Nick Maley and two pictures from when he created Yoda and it is signed For Jedi Master Pat and Morri Tolman Follow your Star and then it is signed Nick Maley 08. What an awesome present this is. It is unique, personalized and totally kick A since it is signed by someone who created a central character for a movie that is my favorite movie of all time! Thanks Morri you rock!

1 comment:

Krystal said...

happy birthday!!
