Tuesday, February 15, 2011

MOTU Sub 2011

So this month is subscription month for MOTU meaning we got the sub exclusive product with the monthly figure. So this year's sub figure is Preternia Disguise He-Man which is based on a mini comic from back in the day and you can read about it in the bio below about why he is dressed up like that. The best thing is that he comes with the Cosmic Key which is from the live action movie.

This is the monthly figure Bow from POP. Of course the bio is belwo and these figures and hands down amazing like all the others in this line. This month I also got an oversized figure of a Shadow Beast which I had to get because of the sub but I didn't really want to spend 30$ on a giant unicorn gorilla soI will try to sell it. I don't know why the bio pic doesn't appear correctly sorry I tried to fix it but it won't.

Also with the sub is a map of Etheria and the info about it is below. Once again I tried to rotate it but it would not work. So the map and Preternia He-man were only available to those who got the subscription so I like getting exclusive stuff like that.

And then like I said before that we celebrate my bday and my wife's between the two and we did that on Sunday and my sister in law made this Tron cake for me. Very cool! Thanks Karri!

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